Information about NETS
You must have received an invoice from KTH to be able to use this site to pay to KTH. (Only our invoices in Swedish Crowns, SEK, are supported.)
You need the Invoice No and Customer No from the invoice and you will find them at the top to the right.
(If you got an invoice in Swedish then "Invoice No" = "Fakturanr" and "Customer No" = "Kundnr".)
When you submit this information you will come to a page with the same information as on your invoice. If the invoice still is unpaid, then you will be able to continue to NETS payment provider and pay it with your Visa or MaserCard number.
Your payment is secured by NETS Payment Gateway. The card number is sent through a strongly encrypted connection directly to the bank.
KTH does not have access to any information about the card or your bank account.
NETS uses SSL which is the industry standard and among the best software available today for secure commerce transactions.
Information about NETS